THE "BAD" BRAD BERKWITT SHOW Heavyweight Prospect Trey Lippe Morrison is the Guest on The “Bad” Brad Berkwitt Show February 28, 2015 (February 28, 2015)
THE "BAD" BRAD BERKWITT SHOW Professional MMA Fighter Ed Cline, JR. is the the Guest on The “Bad” Brad Berkwitt Show February 27, 2015 (February 27, 2015)
THE "BAD" BRAD BERKWITT SHOW Boxing Trainer Dallas Cook is the Guest on The “Bad” Brad Berkwitt Show February 27, 2015 (February 26, 2015)
THE "BAD" BRAD BERKWITT SHOW Chavous “Chocolate Thunder” Smith is the Guest on The “Bad” Brad Berkwitt Show February 25, 2015 (February 25, 2015)
THE "BAD" BRAD BERKWITT SHOW “Bad” Brad Interviews the Administrator of the Oklahoma State Athletic Commission Joe Miller on The “Bad” Brad Berkwitt Show February 18, 2015 (February 18, 2015)
THE "BAD" BRAD BERKWITT SHOW Welterweight Prospect Jarrett “The Legacy” Rouse is the Guest on the “Bad” Brad Berkwitt Show February 16, 2015 (February 16, 2015)
THE "BAD" BRAD BERKWITT SHOW Boxing Agent Chico Sherwood is the Guest on the “Bad” Brad Berkwitt Show February 16, 2015 (February 16, 2015)
THE "BAD" BRAD BERKWITT SHOW The “Bad” Brad Berkwitt Show Debuts on the Ringside Report YouTube Channel February 10, 2015 (February 10, 2015)